Juul Awareness and Use Among Adolescents

Juul Awareness and Use Among Adolescents

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As e-cigarettes grow in popularity among adolescents, researches are banding together to better understand why the phenomenon exists and how it can be treated. In a recent study published in Pediatrics, the group surveyed regular e-cigarette users about different characteristics and preferences that describe their e-cigarette daily use. In this study, the researchers found that adolescents prefer e-cigarettes that offer customization. With this discovery, they concluded that adolescents’ access to nicotine-containing products, including flavor additives, should be regulated, and eventually restricted.

To read the full published study visit http://bit.ly/32obAuB.

For more information on the research unit visit ssrc.msstate.edu/new-paper-looks-at-adolescent-use-of-e-cigarettes/

To learn more information about tobacco usage in Mississippi visit mstobaccodata.org/