Presentations & Conference Participation
Dr. Sujan Anreddy attended a three-day event organized by the Association of Traffic Safety Information Safety Professionals (ATSIP) Forum this August 11th in Sandiego, CA. This event was for data analysts, engineers, motor vehicle officials, emergency medical services providers, and highway safety professionals from government organizations, academic and professional associations, and private sector partners across the United States and international communities.
Hanna, H. (July 21). State Approaches to Address the Mississippi Early Childhood Education Workforce Crisis. Southern Legislative Conference. White Sulphur Springs, WV.
Harmon, K., Sbravati, C., & Anreddy, S. (2024, July 30). TRAPS - A Visual Analytic Tool for Public Health Surveillance [Poster Abstract]. MAS-MSU 6th Annual Summer Science and Engineering Symposium, Starkville, MS, United States.
Gaither, M. (July). Empowering Early Childhood Professionals and Families Through Case-Based Learning in the ECHO Tele-Mentoring Model. 2024 Mississippi Early Childhood Education Conference. Natchez, MS.
Gaither, M. (July). Project ECHO, Moving Knowledge, Not People: A Virtual Network for MS Families and Early Childhood Professionals . 2024 Mississippi Early Childhood Education Conference. Natchez, MS.
Gardner, S., Sergi, K., & Robertson, M. (August 2024). Project AWARE: A Multi-Tiered System of Support for School Mental Health in Mississippi. Active Minds Mental Health Conference, Washington D.C.
McMillen,R (Aug, 28). The Health and Economic Burden of Tobacco on Mississippi. MS Lung Cancer Roundtable Tobacco Prevention Workgroup, American Cancer Society.
Poole, C. (August 27, 2024). How Well is Mississippi's Early Childhood System Working? Mississippi Forum for the Future State of Babies.
Sergi, K., Richardson-Stubbs, M., & Myburgh, B. (July 12-13, 2024). AI in Humanities and Social Science Research. First Southern Spark Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Jackson, MS.
Sergi, K., & Stubbs-Richardson, M., (July 2024). AI in Education and Social Science Research.” Mississippi Southern Spark AI conference in Jackson, MS.
Stouffer C., & Anreddy, S. (2024. August 1). MSU evaluator conducted a virtual two-hour training on the TRAPS (Tobacco Reporting and Progress System) data reporting system. The training will equip the portal users with how to report on their scope of work activities and upload required documents. The training was for a newly hired Office of Tobacco Control Systems Change staff member.
Stubbs-Richardson, M. (August 14, 2024). Technology Facilitated Sexual Violence. Presentation for Mississippi Rape Crisis Centers for the Mississippi Coalition Against Sexual Violence.
Stubbs-Richardson, M., Brenner, D., & Sergi, K. (August 8, 2024). AI Tools for Supporting Education Research. The Institute for Advancing Computing Education. Webinar.
Valentine, N., (July 2024) Mississippi Lift Early Childhood Convening [Virtual Presentation].